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Prof. Jean-Louis Teboul

Prof. Jean-Louis Teboul, MD, PhD (Paris, France)
Jean-Louis Teboul is professor of Therapeutics and Critical Care Medicine, at the University Paris-South in France.
He exerts his clinical activity at the Medical ICU of the Bicêtre University Hospital (Assistance- Publique Hôpitaux de Paris). His research interests are in the field of heart- lung interactions, cardiovascular performance, regional blood flow assessment, tissue oxygenation, hemodynamic monitoring, and assessment of volume status in critically ill patients. In the specific field of fluid resuscitation, he proposed tests to assess fluid responsiveness such as Pulse Pressure Variation and Passive Leg Raising. His list of publication includes 225 articles (referenced in Pubmed) and 126 book chapters/didactic articles, almost of them in the field of hemodynamics.
His H index:69 (PublishorPerish), 55 (WebofScience).He gave 829 invited lectures including 666 in international conferences. He is currently Editor- in-Chief of Annals of Intensive Care. He is member of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) from 1989 and was the Chair of the cardiovascular-dynamics section of this society from 2014 to 2017. He received the Honorary Fellow Honor Award of the American College of Chest Physicians in 2007.
Classes / round table:
Emergency Cvasc drug therapy: vascular tone and/or heart function in shock

300 eur
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- 20% – ESICM members – we reserve the right to check your membership validity with ESICM.
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