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Dr. Ina Filipović-Grčić

Ina Filipović-Grčić, MD (Zagreb, Croatia)
Ina Filipović-Grčić is a senior consultant in Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation, and Intensive Care Medicine, employed at the Special Hospital AGRAM since 2019. being Head of Department of Surgery. Trained in anaesthesiology and intensive care primarily in University Hospital Centre Zagreb, and in Mount Sinai Hospital in New York and St Guys and Thomas Hospital in London. She contributed to development of the organ donation and transplantation programme of the UHC Zagreb and was awarded by the City of Zagreb for the role at the Children’s Liver Transplant Team. She was an associate in teaching at the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb. She is the instructor of the European Resuscitation Council for EPALS courses. She participated at the project of the Ministry of Science “Extracorporeal circulation in emergencies” and at the studies of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (EuSOS, AbSeS, DecubICU, EPIC III) and as a national coordinator to the Eurobact II study and SKIN-ICU study. She has actively participated at international and national congresses and courses and published scientific and conference papers and book chapters. She established the international Zagreb Spring Symposium of Applied Cardiovascular Physiology and Treatment at Special Hospital AGRAM.
Classes / round table:
What clinicians should know about microcirculation?

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