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Dr. Manuel Ignacio Monge Garcia

Manuel Ignacio Monge Garcia, MD (Cadiz, Spain)
Manuel Ignacio Monge García is an intensivist in the intensive care unit of the Universitary Hospital of Jerez in Spain and the Research Lead of the Experimental Lab of the Intensive Care Unit of Jerez de la Frontera.
His main field of research are cardiovascular physiology and hemodynamic monitoring in critically ill patients. He is also a member of the Cardiovascular Care group in the Spanish Society of Intensive Care, Critical and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC) and in the Cardiovascular Dynamics in the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. Dr. Monge García has participated in the development research of a new esophageal Doppler.
He has served as reviewer for several journals like Intensive Medicine, Critical Care, Journal of Critical Care, BMC Anesthesiology and Minerva Anesthesiological journals. He is the author of several publications about cardiovascular physiology, and during the last years he has mainly focused on arterial physiology and ventriculo-arterial coupling.
Classes / round table:
Arterial vessels characteristics: clinical relevance
Clinical applications of the Ventricular-Arterial coupling

300 eur
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