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Prof. Robert Naeije

Prof. Robert Naeije, MD, PhD (Brussels, Belgium)
Robert Naeije is Professor Emeritus at the Free University of Brussels (Université Libre de Bruxelles, ULB), Brussels, Belgium.
He got his MD in 1973 and specialized in Internal Medicine. From 1978 to 1996 Dr Naeije was active as a critical care physician. In 1996, he took the Chair of Pathophysiology at the Faculty of Medicine of the ULB and founded a Pulmonary Hypertension Clinic at the Erasme University Hospital.
He has published extensively about the pulmonary circulation, gas exchange, right ventricular function and exercise, with a total of 54 chapters in books and 479 papers mentioned in pubmed and covering a range of topics, from cell and molecular biological aspects, mathematical modeling, integrative physiology and clinical studies.
He has served as vice-president of the French Society of Intensive Care (1981-3), secretary of the working group on the Right Ventricle of the European Society of Cardiology in the 1980’s and was Chairman of the Pulmonary Circulation group of the European Respiratory Society in the 1990’s. He has been member of the editorial board of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, and is currently Associate Editor at the European Respiratory Journal.
Dr Naeije has participated actively to the World Symposiums on Pulmonary Hypertension held successively in 1998 (Evian), 2003 (Venice), 1998 (Dana Point) and in 2013 and 2018 (Nice).
Classes / round table:
The link between right ventricle and pulmonary circulation

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