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Dr. Tomislav Krčmar

Tomislav Krčmar, MD, PhD (Zagreb, Croatia)
Tomislav Krčmar is interventional cardiologist that works at the UHC Rijeka, UHC Zagreb and Special Hospital AGRAM.
Residency in internal medicine and subspecialization in cardiology has been completed at the Clinic for Heart and Vascular Diseases of the UHC Sestre milosrdnice in Zagreb. He has been several times at the Texas Heart Institute, St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, Houston, USA and the ULSS No. 13 in Miran, Italy for the interventional cardiology training.
Currently, he is finalizing the PhD programme at the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb. Particular interest he expressed for the field of complex interventions on coronary arteries and peripheral arteries, endovascular procedures to the aorta and interventional treatment of structural heart disease. He is actively participating at interventional cardiology congresses (Euro PCR and TCT) and a member of the organizing committee for Corintervent, Crocomp and Crovascular international congresses. He is also a member of the Croatian Society of Cardiology, the European Society of Cardiology and the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI).
He is the Vice-President of the Croatian Endovascular Association and was the co-organizer of the congress with international participation HEVI 2018 and cardiology workshops. As invited lecturer he participated at national and international congresses of endovascular medicine.
He is the author of several scientific papers in the field of interventional cardiology.
Classes / round table:
Invasive physiological assessment of coronary arteries

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