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Prof. Stefano Romagnoli

Prof. Stefano Romagnoli, MD, PhD (Firenze, Italy)
Stefano Romagnoli is professor of Anesthesiology & Critical Care. He is the Deputy chief of the Department of Anaesthesia and Critical Care in Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi (Florence, Italy).
His main activities and responsibilities are related to anesthesia and intensive care of cardio-thoracic, vascular and major general surgery. His field of interest and research is haemodynamic monitoring ( from pulmonary artery catheter to minimally invasive tools and echocardiography), management of shock states, and renal replacement therapies. He has published numerous research articles and book chapters.
Since 2013 , he is the Secretary General of the Italian Society of Intensive Care.
Classes / round table:
The pulse contour methods
Regional answer to systemic alterations: Kidney

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