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Prof. Gorazd Voga

Prof. Gorazd Voga, MD, PhD (Celje, Slovenia)
Gorazd Voga is professor of Internal and Intensive Care Medicine. From 1984 to 2018 he was the Head of the Department of Intensive Internal Medicine in General Hospital Celje and from 2019. he is the Head of Department of Research and Education in General Hospital Celje. He was President of Slovenian Society of Intensive Medicine (1993-95), and the member of the Scientific Committee of the same Society till 2016. From 1994 till 2000 he was the member of the Council of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and from 1996 till 2000the member of the Executive Committee of the same Society.
He obtained his Postgraduate Study of Cardiovascular Diseases at Medical Faculty in Zagreb for Master’s Degree and completed and holds the European Diploma of Intensive Care Medicine. He obtained one month Course in Cardiology at Prof. Roam in Bad Krozingen (Germany) sponsored by EU. Since 2012. he is the Dean of the Nursing College in Celje.
His main interest in the field of intensive care medicine is invasive and noninvasive assessment of haemodynamics in critically ill patients, acute heart failure and shock.
His bibliography has 530 units.
Classes / round table:
Role of Doppler echocardiography in the haemodynamic evaluation
Methods for Cardiac Output measurements

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