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Prof. Didier Payen de la Garanderie

Prof. Didier Payen de la Garanderie, MD, PhD (Paris, France)
Didier Payen de la Garanderie is professor of Anesthesiology & Critical Care, past Chairman of the Department of Anesthesiology & Critical Care, at Lariboisière University Hospital, in Paris University 7, France. Currently Emeritus Professor at University Paris 7. Medical degree obtained at the University of Nantes School of Medicine in 1982, Ph D thesis at University Pierre & Marie Curie in 1988 in Physiology. Certified in Internal Medicine, Nephrology and Medical Intensive Care; board certified in Anesthesiology-Surgical Critical Care. Academic position: Assistant then full Professor in 1989, promoted at the exceptional class 1997; Professor of Anesthesiology & Critical Care at McGill University 1999-2002.
Research activities: topics developed along the career: development in Ultrasound technologies (Echocardiography and Doppler for peripheral vessels and cardiac output monitoring; pathophysiology of systemic hypertension focused on arterial mechanics; experimental septic shock models with systemic and regional hemodynamics and immune response; biology and cellular aspects of inflammatory cells, genomics and proteomics of inflammatory response; immune cell function and characterization demonstrating post- aggressive innate immunity immunodepression and the relation between inflammation and metabolism.
More than 400 peer reviewed articles published (Intensive care Med, Anesthesiology; New England J Medicine; Nature Review of Immunology; J Clin Investigation, Crit care Medicine; PNAS; Blood; Chest; Circulation, Sc Reports,… Factor H 54. Reviewers and/or Editorial Board members for the main clinical and basic science journals (AJRCCM, CCM, CCare, Chest, JAMA, Shock, J Clin Investigation, and The Lancet; Sc Reports.
Awards: SMART Scientific Committee for the contribution to Critical Care research in 2016; ESICM for the contribution in October 2018. Principal or coinvestigator for clinical trials regarding sepsis and/or activated protein C including: ADDRESS (2003–2004) and ACCESS (2007–2012), French principal investigator for the international PROWESS-SHOCK (2007-2011); PI for Polymyxin hemoperfusion use in septic shock (2013-2015); PI for inhaled NO in ARDS (1994-1997). President of the National Critical Care Committee of French society of Anesthesiology and CCare (1998–99); Co-founder of the ESCIM in 1982 ; treasurer of the ESCIM (1997-2001).
Co-Founder of the Interface between the French Society of Anesthesiology & Surgical Critical Care and INSERM.
Classes / round table:
Are cardiovascular changes related to immune response?
Regional answer to systemic alterations: Brain

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