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Nuno Raimundo

Nuno Raimundo, PhD (Penn State College of Medicine, USA)
Nuno Raimundo is an Associate Professor at the Penn State College of Medicine (USA).
He obtain his basic degree (BSc+MSc) in Biochemistry at the University of Lisbon, and his doctoral degree in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Helsinki (2009). His doctoral work focused on mitochondrial defects as a cause of neuromuscular diseases as well as tumors. His postdoctoral training was carried out at the Yale School of Medicine, where he studied mitochondrial signaling in vivo. He generated a mouse modeling a mitochondrial-induced hearing loss, characterized the mechanisms and by removing components of the pathological pathway could restore the hearing on the transgenic mice, demonstrating that mitochondrial defects cause pathology by eliciting pathological signaling pathways rather than simply due to energy deficits.
Nuno started his lab in 2014 in Göttingen with a Starting Grant of the European Research Council, and additional funding from the Acid Maltase Deficiency Association, Humboldt Foundation, Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis Foundation and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. His lab relocated to USA in 2021, and focuses on the signaling pathways that mediate crosstalk between mitochondria, lysosomes and other organelles, in the context of physiology, disease and aging.
Classes / round table:
Mitochondrial dynamics in cardiovascular injury

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