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PhD Keith Quille
Technological University Dublin
Senior Lecturer

Keith Quille is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Enterprise Computing and Digital Transformation in TU Dublin. Keith’s’ primary area of research is in Computer Science Education (with an emphasis on inclu- sion) which spans third, second and primary levels. The main focus of Keith’s’ research at third level (including my PhD) was the early identification of students who were at risk of failing or dropping out of Computer Science (using machine learning techniques), as well as interventions to try and reduce attrition rates. Keith’s’ research also focuses on gender and inclusion, with an aim to reduce stereotypes and promote the Computer Science discipline across all levels of education. Keith’s primary areas of teaching are in Software Development, (CS1 and CS2) and Applied Machine Learning with Artificial Intelligence. Keith is the programme coordinator for TU862 Computing with AI and ML undergraduate. Keith has also developed, delivered, and coordinated a wide range of other modules. To complement Keith’s’ Computer Science Education research at third level, Keith has also been significantly involved in primary and second level Computer Science Education, from the Governmental level to formal and informal teacher professional development, to leading a large-scale national, primary and second level Computer Science outreach and research programme (
Keith Quille completed his PhD in Maynooth University in 2018, in the department of computer science, under the supervision of Dr. Susan Bergin. The research is titled: Predicting and Improving Success in Introductory Programming Courses and spanned multiple topics: Predicting student success early in intorductory programming courses using machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques, interventions to reduce attrition in introductory programming courses and insights on gender differences. All of Keith’s publications on this research can be found here. In 2010 Keith Quille completed a postgraduate diploma in education, in University College Cork. Keith holds a honours bachelors degree in computer science and software engineering from Maynooth University, completed in 2008.
Keith was also a secondary school (and further education) teacher for 7 years. This was in St. Conleth’s Community College, in Newbridge, Co. Kildare. Keith is also a part time software developer in webuildweb.
Predavanja / okrugli stol:
Upotreba umjetne inteligencije u učionici
Technological University Dublin

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