we give information a buisness meaning

Reinoud van der Vliet

Intega GmbH (Germany)
Head of Controlling, IT and ERP

Slađana Krpić

Poslovna inteligencija d.o.o. (Croatia)
Board Member

Melanie Holzapfel

SAP (Germany)
Data Scientist & Chief of Staff, BTPeXperience Operations & Services

I was born in 1964 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I studied chemistry and physics, only to learn in 1995 (when I moved to Munich) that it was not possible to work in Germany with this kind of education without starting the study all over again. So, I looked for other work and found controlling to be very interesting. I have been working as a controller for twenty years and have occupied several positions related to controlling. I am currently Head of Controlling at IT & ERP. From 2007 to 2015 in parallel with my daily job I studied at the CA Controlling Academy, ending with a masterclass on the insights of R&D-controlling. Since 2007 I implemented twice the companies leading BI-platform, so I judge myself a controlling expert in R&D and BI. I am co-founder of the ICV expert-group on digital transformation and I led the group for several years. Together with a former colleague I was nominated for the ICV controlling excellence award for 2021.

Classes / round table:

  • 02 Day

How to successfully manage the challenge of digital transformation (in controlling) in small companies

Intega GmbH (Germany)



193 eur

Regular price


  • Regular price – 1450 kn + PDV for both days






  • 10% discount to Lider magazine subscribers
  • 10% discount for 3 – 6 members from the same company
  • 20% for 7 or more members from the same company
  • 50% for students

153 eur


  • 1150 kn + PDV / 153 eur + VAT for both days
  • ICV members – we reserve the right to check your membership validity with ICV.



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