we give information a buisness meaning
Paola Girotto
Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies (Germany)
Quality and Document Control Consultant

Paola Girotto is currently Quality and Document Control Consultant at the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies, a unit of Johnson & Johnson. She creates tools to help teams monitor and communicate project-related issues and takes a data-driven approach to compliance and reporting for multiple business units. Paola earned a dual MBA and master’s in Data Analytics from Clarkson University. There, she contributed to multiple data science research projects, and was a graduate assistant for courses in Data Modeling & Design and Data Warehousing. In these roles, Paola worked closely with students and professors to clean and analyze data and solve data science problems from different perspectives. Paola’s ability to create and manage datasets with a wide range of characteristics, and her experience with visualizations tools, lets her explore and depict data in creative ways that help tell compelling stories to both frontline staff and high-level decision makers.
Classes / round table:
Big green data: How controllers can use data analytics to drive sustainability throughout the organization
Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies (Germany)

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