we give information a buisness meaning

Olga Rudakova

olgarudakova.com (Czech Republic)
Finance professional & Data skills trainer

Mario Vekić

Croatian Olympic Rower (Beijing 2008, London 2012) and Personal Trainer

Dr. Lukas Löhlein

WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (Germany)
Asst. Prof. 

Olga Rudakova is a finance professional, data skills trainer and dashboard design consultant. Olga is passionate about data insights and data visualization. Her decade-long corporate career in PwC, Tesco and Mars saw her supporting businesses towards making data-driven decision based on financial analysis.

Olga is currently a freelance data skills trainer working with clients such as Siemens, Philip Morris International, Johnson & Johnson, Czech Savings Bank, and many others.

Olga’s Storytelling with Business Data workshop combines her experience from corporate finance, big data start-ups and public speaking with storytelling principles and elements of cognitive psychology. The aim is to provide you with a recipe for making the best possible business chart!

Classes / round table:

  • 01 Day

Storytelling with business data

olgarudakova.com (Czech Republic)



193 eur

Regular price


  • Regular price – 1450 kn + PDV for both days






  • 10% discount to Lider magazine subscribers
  • 10% discount for 3 – 6 members from the same company
  • 20% for 7 or more members from the same company
  • 50% for students

153 eur


  • 1150 kn + PDV / 153 eur + VAT for both days
  • ICV members – we reserve the right to check your membership validity with ICV.



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Partner in Poland

Lider media d.o.o.

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