we give information a buisness meaning

Melanie Holzapfel

SAP (Germany)
Data Scientist & Chief of Staff, BTPeXperience Operations & Services

Reinoud van der Vliet

Intega GmbH (Germany)
Head of Controlling, IT and ERP

Paola Girotto

Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies (Germany)
Quality and Document Control Consultant

Melanie Holzapfel is a certified IBCS® consultant and works as Data Scientist and Chief of Staff in the Business Technology Platform Experience organization at SAP. Together with colleagues, she published her first book about dashboard design in 2021, entitled Designing Dashboards with SAP Analytics Cloud.

Since joining SAP in 2019, she has been responsible for analyzing customer feedback in order to increase adoption and improve the products as best as possible. She has great expertise in building dashboards that increase efficiency and enable data-driven and confided decision-making. With IBCS and internal best practices, she consults and enables SAP customers to improve their business dashboards.

Before her professional career at SAP, she studied physics at the Heidelberg University and at the University of York.

Classes / round table:

  • 02 Day

IBCS with SAP Analytics Cloud

SAP (Germany)



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153 eur


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