we give information a buisness meaning
Dr. Lukas Löhlein
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (Germany)
Asst. Prof.

Lukas Löhlein joined WHU as Assistant Professor at the Institute of Management Accounting and Control (IMC) in March 2017. Lukas Löhlein earned his Ph.D. from the University of Luxembourg and holds degrees in Management and Political Sciences. Before joining WHU, Lukas Löhlein was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) from 2015 to 2017.
Lukas Löhlein teaches courses on Management Accounting and Management in Non-Profit-Organizations. Lukas Löhlein also taught Ph.D. seminars on qualitative research methods at the University of Vigo (Spain), the University of Kaunas (Lithuania), and the University of Luxembourg. For his teaching at LSE, he was awarded the LSE Teaching Excellence Award 2017 in the category of Mentoring and Personal Development.
In his research, Lukas Löhlein adopts an interdisciplinary, sociological perspective. Interested in the dynamic, multifaceted, and pluralistic nature of accounting, his research is committed to unveiling the presence of accounting where one might not otherwise expect to find it. He is particularly intrigued to show the, sometimes hidden, but always powerful, role of accounting, numbers, and quantification in organizations and society. More recently, he started research projects on how big data, data analytics and digital dashboards shape traditional processes of management accounting. His research has been published in globally leading journals such as Accounting, Organizations and Society, Accounting, European Accounting Review, Auditing & Accountability Journal, and the Journal of Accounting Literature.
Classes / round table:
Predictive analytics in management forecasts: The role of social ties and local knowledge
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (Germany)

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