we give information a buisness meaning
Jörn Ney
Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen - und Medizintechnik AG (Germany)
Innovation Manager

Jörn Ney
– Degrees in Business Administration (Dipl. Kfm.)
– More than 10 years of professional experience in finance.
– Lead of M&A Projects and Process Integration.
– Project lead of international project in China.
Since 04/2020 Innovation Manager, Eckert & Ziegler AG, Berlin
(Sector: Pharma, Producing/Trading, 180 Employees)
- Lead in Developing a production facility for pharmaceuticals in China
04/2019 – 04/2020 Head of Finance, Medios AG, Berlin
(Sector: Pharma, Producing/Trading, 180 Employees)
- Lead of M&A Projects and Process Integration
05/2016 – 3/2019 Chief Financial Officer, Eckert & Ziegler AG, Berlin
(Sector: Pharma, Producing, 790 Employees)
Classes / round table:
Liquidity planning under uncertainties
Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen - und Medizintechnik AG (Germany)

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