we give information a buisness meaning
Prof. Dr. Imke Keimer
Lucerne School of Business (Switzerland)

Imke Keimer does research in the areas of digitalization of management accounting and business analytics. She is particularly interested in the changes brought about by advancing digitalization. In addition to several publications, she conducted two Swiss studies on the subject of digital transformation in management accounting, and developed a maturity model with her project team to evaluate the degree of digitalization for Swiss management accounting departments.
Since 2013 Lecturer, Swiss Institute of Certified Accountants (EXPERTsuisse)
Since 2012 Lecturer, Institute of Financial Services Zug IFZ
2010 – 2013 Lecturer, University of Bern, Institute of Accounting
2010 – 2012 Senior Risk Controller, Zurich Cantonal Bank
Classes / round table:
The digital maturity of management accounting
Lucerne School of Business (Switzerland)

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