we give information a buisness meaning
Xavier Subirats
AMSEL Assessors

Xavier Subirats
Xavier Subirats is a partner at AMSEL Assessors, economist by the Universitat de Barcelona. He finished the Master in International Business at CEDEIN, PDD (Program for Management Development) at IESE, CFP-2015 (Corporate Finance Program) & SLCR-2020 (Sustainability Leadership and Corporate Responsibility) London Business School. His specializations are Corporate Governance and Reporting, International Business, Finance, and Taxation. Mr. Subirats is a President of the Working Group of CSR and Integrated Reporting. Spanish General Council of Economists. Consejo General de Economistas de España, Secretary of the board at the Catalan Association of Economists (CEC), Vicepresident of the board at the Catalan Assoc. of Accountancy and Management (ACCID).
He regularly advises family groups, Spanish companies, and subsidiaries in Spain of Italian, French, and English multinational companies. He assists as a non-executive director to the Boards of Directors in food and beverage industries, fishing and aquaculture, food services, hotels, special work center for the disabled and electronic devices, and the steering committee of an international pharmaceutical group.
Classes / round table:
Boards of Directors: How Better Reporting (Board Book) Improves Board Meetings
AMSEL Assessors

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