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8th International Controlling Conference
Controlling: The Time to Wow is Now

8th International Controlling Conference in Croatia (ICCC)
Controlling: The Time to Wow is Now
Thursday and Friday, 12th -13th November 2020, 11:00 CET (UTC+2), online via the Zoom platform
This is a global invitation to the great Controlling event
ORGANIZERS: Consulting company Kontroling Kognosko and Lider media
ENDORSEMENT: ICV International Controller Verein
A completely new reality, an overnight world-wide crisis, a totally new normal and a completely different future have led to Controlling suddenly becoming the ultimate star!
Controllers are well aware that management starts paying far more attention when the business situation becomes more uncertain or dangerous. In times of “fat cows,” a company or an organization can endure substantial inactivity. However, the unique situation we are in now raises the need for agility to the highest level.
Now is not the time for standing still. Now is the time for thinking outside the box, changing business models, accepting innovation, embracing digitalization, and of course – pushing forward with Controlling.
Crisis also means opportunity. Now is the time to act and seize the opportunity.
Due to the new normal and its numerous restrictions, our well-known Controlling Conference will be held in the form of an ONLINE EVENT with a GLOBAL outreach.
To compensate for the lack of social contact, we have gathered many more experts, and extended the conference to two days.
And we expect participants from literally all over the world!
What to expect?
Controllers have the knowledge and skills to quickly analyse different data and draw the necessary conclusions to master and manage new situations. Each day we will cover a different topic related to the world of management in the new era. Each topic will be practically addressed by international and domestic experts in doing so.
As a participant, you will acquire knowledge and insight in the areas of:
- Strategic management in times of crisis
- New philosophy of operational business
- Updated KPIs
- Cost accounting issues
- Transfer pricing secrets
- New business models
- Health-care management
- Reporting challenges
- Conscious leadership
- Future of controlling
- and much, much more
We are expecting yet another outstanding event in the field of Controlling that will offer many practical examples. Mark this event in your calendar and do not miss the largest online world-wide gathering of managers and controllers.
What topics will be covered at the conference?
This year we have gathered leading experts from Germany, Russia, Austria, Great Britain, Poland, Spain, Slovenia and Croatia to tackle topics that cover Controlling and the current changes in the world of management.
During the two-day event, 13 different topics will be covered.
Among other things, topics will include the new future of management, quick reactions from Controlling, and the best of KPIs and reporting.
Special attention will be paid to Python as a new “must-have,” and to the latest examples of IBCS.
We will have the opportunity to hear presentations dedicated to the tension between external and internal accounting, to the plea for cost accounting, to the challenges of controlling in public hospitals, as well as many others.
On both days, we will tackle many dilemmas, doubts, questions and concerns related to the current global situation.
Participants will be able communicate with the speakers by writing via chat, and the speakers will answer the questions addressed to them in writing after their presentation.
All speeches will be given in English.
Your host will be Jasmina Očko, a controlling consultant and a trainer from the Kontroling Kognosko company. The conference will not be recorded.
Who is the Conference for?
This two-day Conference has been designed to meet the expectations of:
- all levels of controllers, planners, data scientists, data analytics
- company owners
- top managers, sales, marketing, purchasing, production managers
- IT experts who work on business solutions that provide support to controlling (BI, DW, planning)
- financial and accounting managers
- and all others who feel a new era is knocking at the door.
Leading experts from around the world will share their experience and support.
Details to keep in mind:
- You can only register for both days of the conference
- All communication will be in English
- The conference can be accessed only by participants who have made a payment and only one person per link can participate
- Cancellation with a refund or a change of order are possible up to 24 hours prior to the conference
- The conference will be accessible 30 minutes before the start
- Participants will be able to ask questions in writing to the lecturers, who will answer in writing after their presentation
- A link to all presentations will be sent to the participants after the conference
- Presentations and speeches will not be recorded
Organizers: Kontroling Kognosko and Lider media in cooperation.
Kontroling Kognosko – www.kognosko.hr
- Jasmina Očko / Programme manager / jasmina.ocko@kognosko.hr / Phone: 0038591 780 66 28
- Renato Očko / Project manager / renato.ocko@kognosko.hr / Phone: 0038598 361 856
- Pavla Patricija Očko / Assistant of project manager / pavla.ocko@kognosko.hr
Lider media d.o.o. – lider.media
- Tina Kovačić / event manager / tina.kovacic@lider.media.hr / Phone: 0038591 460 45 56
3.72 MB, pdf
Conference opening
It is well known that when crisis strikes, it is time to change, adapt, and even make crucial strategic decisions and reorientations. Most companies are reviewing their business models and focusing more on innovation and new ways of doing business. The same applies to controlling. Times of crisis provide controlling with the opportunity to give its greatest contribution as fast, and agile information, quality advice, and analyses are now more important than ever, and controllers who are capable of creating a number “what if” simulations are in high demand. That is why we have prepared 13 presentations for you that will offer useful advice on what controlling can offer at this moment and how controlling tools provide concrete help in times of crisis.

The Role of Controlling in Times of COVID-19
Controllers have an important but challenging role in times of crisis. Many controllers are crisis-tested and have concepts and measures for typical corporate crises in place. COVID-19, however, is an unprecedented form of crisis that confronts controllers with new challenges. The presentation will highlight the role of controllers in times of crisis, successful steps for successful crisis management and the specifics of Covid-19.

Cost and Profitability Under Control! Implementation of Resource and Process Consumption Accounting (RPCA) in Production
The presentation will show the RPCA - Implementation of Resource and Process Consumption Accounting in the production company. The RPCA concept is a part of the latest trend in research on cost accounting, and the essence of the RPCA concept (Controller + Manager = Controlling) is a fixed cost downward spiral. The participants will see the key success factors of the RPCA implementation. Special emphasis will be on how COVID 19 affected cost accounting systems.

Selecting your KPIs the logical way
Key performance indicators (KPIs) have a reputation for being complex, confusing, and boring. They are also the secret weapon that can help you deliver on your strategy through stunning results. In this session, Bernie Smith will walk you through the seven steps of the ‘Results Orientated KPI System’ (ROKS), a method designed to allow any business to develop meaningful, relevant, and effective KPIs. The talk will cover… • A visual approach for developing KPIs that will guarantee you spot the KPIs you have missed and help you engage your whole team in KPI selection • A bullet-proof method for shortening your final list of KPI down to the bare minimum and make sure you don’t skip your ‘gold bar’ measures. • A simple for approach for defining KPIs. Who is the session aimed at?: Any organization that needs to find a small selection of meaningful key performance indicators (KPIs) that are guaranteed to deliver the results you are looking for.

10 Minutes for Exercise with Olympian
In ten minutes, Mario will let us in on the secret of a fast and simple workout that we can regularly do at the office to avoid back pain. Mario will demonstrate some simple exercises that can be done at the office whenever we feel the need, and which are particularly important for people who spend a lot of their time sitting.

Lunch break
Boards of Directors: How Better Reporting (Board Book) Improves Board Meetings
The critical roles of the board of directors are: company strategy approval, CEO nomination and directors training and evaluation, key investment and M&A decisions, overseeing management performance, compliance, ethics, and risk management. The main obstacles for achieving these roles as a board are: lack of clarity about board roles, inadequate information, inadequate board composition, and dysfunctional board dynamics. Concerning inadequate information, in this session, we will see how to use semantic notation (IBCS) when preparing the board book and enlarge board vision by conveying additional information on social and environmental matters. Finally, we’ll share of to align Roles-Agenda-Analysis and Reporting through the RAAR Model. How to establish an Annual Agenda that will cover the five leading Board Roles, how to do an Analysis that goes from a) Strategy to b) Capabilities & Processes to c) Value for the Customer to d) Company Results, and how to build a board book that will convey information for the enlarged analysis proposed.

Cash Flow Management on Power BI Platform
Companies usually tend to focus mostly on the income statement, and on how to grow revenues and keep expenses under control, while cash flow is often taken for granted. However, in times like these, we become aware that cash is the lifeblood of a company. Therefore, it is very important to have processes and tools in place that make it possible to properly report and forecast cash flow. In this presentation, we will share with the audience an approach to implementing the direct method of cash flow reporting on top of MS Dynamics NAV ERP, using DataSense.BI (product by Data Sense, Croatia), together with the implementation of cash flow forecasting using the Power Planner (product by Power ON, USA). Both solutions rely on Microsoft Power BI, a world-leading analysis and business intelligence platform.

The End
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tel: +385 (1) 6333 500
- Bojana Božanić Ivanović (direktorica)
- bojana.bozanic@lidermedia.hr
- Krešimir Grgić (direktor)
- kresimir.grgic@lidermedia.hr
- Jelena Jagić
- jelena.jagic@lidermedia.hr
- Lucija Stipetić
- lucija.stipetic@lidermedia.hr
- Antonela Tandarić
- antonela.tandaric@lidermedia.hr
- Ivan Krkoč
- ivan.krkoc@lidermedia.hr
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- Ivana Tomljanović (voditeljica odjela)
- ivana.tomljanovic@lidermedia.hr
- pretplata@lidermedia.hr
tel: +385 (1) 6333 536
- Tomislav Blagaić
- tomislav.blagaic@lidermedia.hr
- Nataša Dević
- natasa.devic@lidermedia.hr
- Tina Kovačić
- tina.kovacic@lidermedia.hr
tel: +385 (1) 6333 500