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Tomasz M. Zieliński
ICV POLAND, Akademia Controlling, VOX Capital Group
Managing Director at ICV Poland (Chairman of the Board at Akademia Controllingu) and Controlling Director at VOX Capital Group

Dr. Tomasz M. Zieliński
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) in finance with a specialization in controlling and accounting. He is the author of the RPCA concept (Resource and Process Consumption Accounting), which is currently implemented in large Polish capital groups and enterprises from production, commercial, financial, and service sectors.
The RPCA concept is also included in teaching programs at polish universities of economics such as PUEB, WSE, US, UL, NCU, WULS. He is the author and co-author of books and articles about the RPCA concept, controlling, and significantly cost accounting. Since 2019 he is the Director of Controlling in VOX Capital Group.
Since 2018 he is the Managing Director of ICV Poland (Delegate for Poland). He is also an entrepreneur and owner of companies:
- Since 2006 – he is the Chairman of the Board and lecturer at Akademia Controllingu,
- From 2004 to 2018, he was the Chairman of the Board of IT company – ABC Akademia.
For more than 14 years, he has been a lecturer on the RPCA concept, process management, logistics costing, and green controlling at four universities (PUEB, WSE, UL, and NCU) for many post-graduate studies universities. He has a master’s degree in Logistics.
Classes / round table:
Cost and Profitability Under Control! Implementation of Resource and Process Consumption Accounting (RPCA) in Production
ICV POLAND, Akademia Controlling, VOX Capital Group

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