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Mario Vekić
Croatian Olympic Rower (Beijing 2008, London 2012) and Personal Trainer

Mario Vekić is a Croatian Olympic rower and a personal trainer. He competed twice at the Olympics (2012 in London and 2008 in Beijing), 14 times at world championships, four times at European championships, twice at the Mediterranean Games and 18 times at state championships. He has won more than 40 medals, both at national and international competitions.
Today, he works as a personal trainer and is particularly proud of managing more than 100 satisfied clients. He has delivered 6000 individual training sessions and has five years of experience working with businesspeople and anyone who wants to achieve the following:
- mitigate the negative effects of sitting at work
- improve their general health
- get in shape and lose weight
- get rid of back pain
- increase their level of physical fitness.
Classes / round table:
10 Minutes for Exercise with Olympian
10 Minutes for Exercise with Olympian

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