we give information a buisness meaning
Igor Milovčić
University Hospital Centre Zagreb
Head of Controlling, Data Analyst

Igor Milovčić
Igor is the Head of Controlling & a data analyst at the University Hospital Centre Zagreb, the largest Croatia hospital. He has a master’s degree in Finance from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business, and an IBCS certificate. He has over 15 years of finance, accounting, and controlling experience from being a stockbroker to healthcare management.
Since 2017 he has participated in creating and developing data culture using Tableau software for hospital management. He creates data models, automates business processes, creates BI reports in Tableau, and provides continuing education and training courses in data analysis and Tableau software for colleagues. He continuously develops new skills in data analysis and software solutions.
Classes / round table:
From Data to Insight, From IT to Controlling
University Hospital Centre Zagreb

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