we give information a buisness meaning
Guido Kleinhietpaß
CA Controller Akademie AG
Partner, trainer and consultant

Guido Kleinhietpaß, M.Ec.
Guido started working as a controller for purchase and product management at Raab Karcher Holding. This evolved into the controlling of the „skincare“ business line at Degussa. There he was appointed as the general project manager to increase efficiency. He has been a partner of CA Akademie AG since 2002 and has worked at the Akademie as a trainer and management consultant. He has specialized in investment appraisal, financial analysis, transfer pricing, business planning, and sales controlling. He was a founding member of “Communication Controlling, “a workgroup of the International Controllers Association (ICV). Since 2009 he has been a member of the ICV “Controlling-Wiki“ evaluation council, and from 2016 to 2019, he headed the council. He is also the author of several books on controlling.
Classes / round table:
Statutory Accounting Alone is Not Sufficient
CA Controller Akademie AG

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