we give information a buisness meaning
Edyta Szarska
Controlling Partner
IBCS® Certified Trainer

Edyta Szarska is an international expert in finance and controlling. She is also certified trainer of IBCS Institute (International Business Communication Standards), and the member of ICV International Work Group.
After several years of work in controlling departments she founded Controlling Partner and developed dozens of conceptual projects for controlling teams. She participated in the processes of preparing companies for ownership changes. Currently she realizes IBCS trainings and reporting projects for top management, spreading IBCS concept all around the world.
Edyta is an author of publications in the professional press, certified webcast and e-learning trainer. Her professional vision is to work on continuous improvement of controlling awareness by sharing practical and simple solutions for top managers.
She knows that the most can be obtained by giving and sharing.
Classes / round table:
IBCS – Just a Matter of Time
Controlling Partner

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