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Axel Ehberger
Controlling Consultant and Trainer

Axel Ehberger
Axel Ehberger offers Controlling as an external service for SMEs and start-ups as well as seminars, courses and in-house training. In addition, he teaches at several universities and occasionally participates as a lecturer in Master programs.
At the same time, he actively collaborates with professional associations such as the ICV (International Controller Association), as head of the workgroup in Spain. He is also a passive member of the IBCS Association.
He has been granted the Controllers Diplom CA, after having participated in the program in five stages for Controllers of the Controller Akademie.
After studying ‘International Business Administration’ at Wiesbaden University of Applied Sciences in Germany and the University of Zaragoza, Spain, including a practical training at a London financial derivatives exchange, he specialized in the areas of Analytical Information and Reporting, after having worked as Controller and in consulting in the banking sector.
Classes / round table:
Integrating Sustainability Indicators

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- 1150 kn + PDV / 152 eur + VAT for both days
- ICV members – we reserve the right to check your membership validity with ICV.
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