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Dr. Daniel Lovrić

Daniel Lovrić, MD ( Zagreb, Croatia)
Daniel Lovrić is senior consultant at the Division of Intensive Cardiac Care, Arrhythmology and Heart Transplantation , Department for Cardiovascular Diseases,University Hospital Centre Zagreb.
His main field of interest are patients in advanced stages of heart failure from severe acute presentations to the ones that are being considered either for transplantation or assist device therapy. Part of the team that started the circulatory mechanical support program in UHC Zagreb. Trained in acute and intensive cardiac care at Green Lane Cardiovascular Service in Auckland and Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, as well as echocardiography in Louis Pradel Hospital in Lyon. Scope of expertise includes transthoracic echocardiography, transoesophageal echocardiography, dobutamine stress echocardiography, as well as strain analysis and 3D echo. ACVC Young National Ambassador since 2018.
Classes / round table:
Acute valvular heart disease and haemodynamic consequences

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