19. konferencija o nabavi
Inteligentna nabava za održivu budućnost
TRIPLE TCO – How do we help our organisation to make procurement decisions that truly reflect Cost, Environment and People
Driving to A Sustainable Future with Procurement Technologies: How Companies Leverage Promena to Enhance Supplier Performance
This panel brings together Promena and global engineering and construction company ENKA to explore the growing trend of sustainable procurement. ENKA has played a pivotal role in delivering major infrastructure projects across more than 30 countries. They will discuss how companies like ENKA are increasingly prioritising sustainability in their procurement processes and the strategies they use to integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals into their operations. The conversation will highlight how Promena assists ENKA in effectively monitoring supplier performance, tracking metrics, and ensuring alignment with long-term sustainability objectives. By leveraging such tools, ENKA has fostered accountability, driven measurable improvements, and established a strategic roadmap towards integrating sustainability into its procurement practices. Attendees will gain insights into how these practices can be implemented in their organisations and why sustainable procurement is a key factor in achieving success in today's business landscape.
From Traditional to Digital: Optimizing Procurement through digitalization and interactive tools and platforms
Procurement of the future in the context of digitalization and sustainability
- Paradigm shift in procurement - What is the level of digital maturity? - Six roles and examples of digital fitness in procurement - How to tackle the TWIN transformation in procurement An integrated approach to tackling the challenges of a successful dual transformation of procurement is essential to avoid driving two agendas separately. The presentation will show how strongly the green and digital transformation of procurement are interlinked, how synergies can be unlocked, and key risks managed by actively connecting the two drivers of change.
Od buyera do transformatora: putovanje kroz promjene
Kako sam od zaljubljenika u pregovore postala strastveni zagovornik tehnologija, procesa i promjene mindseta? Koja su iskustva iz moje dugogodišnje nabavne karijere bila korisna u novoj ulozi, a što sam morala naučiti ispočetka? Čemu se posvetiti, a što izbjegavati u projektima transformacije nabave?
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