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Marcell Volmer

Boston Consulting Group
Partner and Director

Vesna Jungić

PBP Procurement Business Partner
CEO /// Moderatorica

Giovanni Atti

Member of the Board

In my role as Partner and Director at BCG I am advising C-Level Executives & Executive Teams on the full range of digital transformation, innovation, new business models, restructuring and reorganization with focus on procurement, supply chain and operations globally.

As Chief Innovation Officer I focused on supporting customers and partners to define and execute digital transformation strategies globally. As a proponent of the power of process mining to create the “superfluid enterprise” and deliver extraordinary experiences, I evangelized in my role the market as an influencer. Like Celonis customers, I was previously in charge of shared services and business process transformation.
In my previous role as Chief Digital Officer I was a ‘Digital Ambassador’ by SAP’s Digital Transformation Office to help SAP customers to define and drive digital transformation strategies in all industries globally.
As the former Chief Procurement Officer at SAP, I’m sensitive to the complexities surrounding the intersection of technology, compliance, and supplier networks that today’s procurement leaders face.
I implemented a global category management organization, procurement shared services and a hybrid model with Ariba for goods, Fieldglass for professional services, and Concur for travel.

As Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice President of SAP Ariba, my focus was to help companies eliminate procurement and supply chain complexity through simple, smart, and open software solutions.

Predavanja / okrugli stol:

  • 01 Dan

How will supply chain and procurement elevate to the next level by emerging technologies (post-COVID-19)? – online

Boston Consulting Group


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