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Liberto Pereda

Vice President

Viktor Vetturelli

Culture & growth consultant

Dorotea Effenberger

Tahograf d.o.o.
Predsjednica Uprave i vlasnica tvrtke

Liberto is a visionary leader and a passionate coach and facilitator. He engages with dedication and commitment in transformational and change processes of all kinds – personal, teams, organizations, systems, and communities. With a strong focus on leadership development, he works to unfold leader’s full potential. Liberto loves people, and to help them dream and create the future they want. He moves with ease into and through complexity with an awareness and sensitivity to what is needed in the moment, swiftly ensuring the proper, and necessary, conversations happen. Liberto creates an atmosphere of honesty and safety, allowing people, groups and organizations to grow and evolve themselves, especially in challenging times. He creates powerful change contexts, based on trust, freedom and responsibility, bringing equilibrium to both individuals and groups. Liberto is a potential-releaser and a creative coach who helps his clients explore alternative and expanding perspectives. He has the ability to divert people from their plights by putting things into a different perspective. Liberto guides the process in a natural way, helping one discover one’s self in depth as a leader and as a person. He opens the space, bringing rhythm and creativity to achieve changes in leadership and in the working dynamics. Liberto has a strong imagination that helps clients reflect and look, with brand new eyes, at what they are doing. He has worked as a coach and facilitator since 2008, when he decided to dedicate himself fully to leadership transformation. Before, he worked in several multinational companies, in which he held senior management responsibilities. His last appointment was EMEA Managing Director in BIC Graphic, a division of the BIC Group, where he worked for more than ten years. Liberto located in Sant Medir, Spain, is on a personal journey of change and growth himself, by deepening in the Teachings of the Delicate Lodge, which he came to in 2009.

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