informacijama dajemo poslovno značenje
Timo Tervo
Pet Network International

- 39 years
- Finnish national, residing in Croatia since May 2022
- Global citizen, have lived and worked in 8 countries over the past 15 years
- PNI (Pet Network International)
- 14 years with the Lidl Group in leadership positions across Finland, Germany, United Kingdom and lastly as a Director for the startegically important Italian market
- Prior to joining PNI -> Management Board member and Country Director Finland of Nasdaq listed Scandinavian’s leading Pet Specialty Retailer Musti Group
- Group CEO Pet Network International, South East Europe’s leading pet specialty retailer operating across five countries (Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria) https://www.pet-network.com
- Chairman of the board and owner of Northeast Global Sourcing Limited, a leading sourcing company operating out of Hong Kong servicing businesses globally with a key focus on sustainability. The company is currently the main sourcing partner for the world’s largest soil remediation project in Kuwait. https://negsourcing.com ”Lamor Corporation Plc together with a local partner Khalid Ali al-Kharafi & Brothers Co. are executing two of the historically largest soil remediation projects in the world in Kuwait. The region covers 114 square kilometers of crude oil contaminated soil as a result of the destruction of about 700 oil wells in Kuwait during the Gulf war. These acts of war resulted in soil damage, moist and dry oil lakes and oil-contaminated piles covering significant parts of the country. Northeast Global Sourcing is proud to be the procurement company for this massive soil remediation project. Northeast Global Sourcing will handle the procurement of items and do the logistic planning for all the raw materials sourced outside of Kuwait to be used in the project. NEGS is very pleased to work in a project where we can also make the world a cleaner place.”
Predavanja / okrugli stol:
Pet Network International

Osigurajte svoje
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Cijena obuhvaća:
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- konferencijske materijale
- aktualno izdanje tjednika Lider
- ručak i kavu u pauzi
- cijena kotizacije – 1.490 kn (197,76 €)
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- menadžere i samostalne direktore
- poduzetnike iz svih grana gospodarstva
- predstavnike državnih institucija
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- jelena.jagic@lidermedia.hr
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- lucija.stipetic@lidermedia.hr
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- antonela.tandaric@lidermedia.hr
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- ivan.krkoc@lidermedia.hr
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- ivana.tomljanovic@lidermedia.hr
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- tomislav.blagaic@lidermedia.hr
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- natasa.devic@lidermedia.hr
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- tina.kovacic@lidermedia.hr
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