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Debora Revoltella
European Investment Bank
Chief Economist
The Economics Department provides impact-driven economic analysis to support EIB operations and global positioning as well as the Group’s Policy and Strategy definition. The Department comprises some 40 economists. It is in charge of the sovereign and financial sector rating models for the EIB as well as of providing financial sector expertise in EIB projects. It is also responsible for assessing the impact of EIB activities and the results generated by EIB financed projects.
Since her arrival at the EIB in 2011, Debora Revoltella has designed and led the work for flagship publications such as the EIB Investment Report, a series of policy working papers and other regional specific research.
She launched the idea and led the process for the design and implementation of the EIB Investment Survey, a new survey covering 12,500 European firms which has become a unique asset in terms of understanding investment dynamics in Europe. She was behind the EIB partnering with the EBRD and the World Bank for the Enterprise Survey for the MENA region in 2015 and for the whole neighbouring region in 2017.
Debora Revoltella holds a degree in Economics and a Master in Economics from Bocconi University as well as a PhD in Economics from the University of Ancona in Italy. After her experience as an Adjunct Professor in Macroeconomics at Bocconi University, Debora joined the research department of Banca Commerciale Italiana, a leading Italian Bank.
In 2001, she joined UniCredit as the Chief Economist for Central and Eastern Europe. She managed a team of 40 economists in charge of supporting the institution in its regional growth strategy. During these years, the department developed into a leading research centre for the region.
Debora Revoltella is member of the Steering Committees of the Vienna Initiative and the CompNet, an alternate member of the Board of the Joint Vienna Institute and a member of the Boards of the SUERF and the Euro 50 Group.
Predavanja / okrugli stol:
Globalni i regionalni trendovi
European Investment Bank
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- Bojana Božanić Ivanović (direktorica)
- Krešimir Grgić (direktor)
- Jelena Jagić
- Lucija Stipetić
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tel: +385 (1) 6333 537
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- Ivana Tomljanović (voditeljica odjela)
tel: +385 (1) 6333 536
- Tomislav Blagaić
- Nataša Dević
- Tina Kovačić
tel: +385 (1) 6333 500